The lubrication recommendations are the same in both. This leads me to wonder if there is a typo in the English version of the manuals that I have. IF (!) the change in cSt with temperature is linear the cSt at 50*C is 56.5 for Vactra #2 and 121.6 for Vactra #3. Mobil does not provide the data for 50*c, only 40*C and 100*C. The manual indicates the required viscosity is approximately 42 cSt (5.6E)/50*C. I actually Use Vactra #2, or Vacuoline 1409 (My understanding is that this is the original version of Vactra #2, before the tackifier was changed in the early 90's to be compatible with newer coolants). Why the manual specifies Vactra #3 I do not know.
The manual specifies Mobil DTE light for both the headstock and the carriage gearbox. I should have been clearer in my initial post.